Tuesday 13 March 2018


They are different shades of colour and represent different meanings however they remain one

South Africa belongs to all those who live in it

South Africa “ behlala ekhaya lakho” – their home is your home. They dream of a continent without boarders that does not separate them into North, South, West and East Africa. Their brother, sister birthed from another mother who is also their mother.They say “umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” - a person is a person through another person.

Xenophobia  is an act of hostility to being different, it is simply black on black racism. It is inhuman and heart-breaking and a destroyer of the spirit of ubuntu. Fellow South Africans take a pledge and say enough is enough, they cannot stand back and ignore this issue.
Social media plays a significant role in xenophobia as individuals can express their views, opinions and experiences or simply share their knowledge on the issue by using different social media networking platforms. Hashtags trend on twitter where people can share their stories and use the hashtag to enusure that it reaches a larger audience. Also, whenever a user adds a hashtag to their post ,it is able to be stored on the social network and thus becomes discoverable as well as searchable to other users which makes it easy for the practice of corporate social media, nevertheless, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • It can be used to raise awareness about xenophobia for example, Well wishes and apologies can be sent out on behalf of the nation to the victims of this act. 
  • #NoToXenophobia, it can get the public involved, anti- xenophobia marches can be organised on social media where people who want to part-take in them can get information and details about the marches.
  • Facebook and Instagram pages can be set up , where organisations involved in assisting at the camps for displaced victims of xenophobia can communicate with the public on essentials such as food and toiletries etc which is needed, and they can therefore donate these items or provide banking details where givers can donate money in order to assist these victims.


  • It can be used to promote hate speech against foreigners , for instance they can be cyberbullied.
  • foreign investors will be able to see how their people are being treated and potentially withdraw their investments due to these xenophobic attacks and the South African economy will suffer.
  • It will scare tourists away from visiting South Africa as they might fear that they will be attacked as well, this will hurt the tourism sector/industry.

When will it stop? enough is enough....

 Most of their brothers and sisters are here for a better life and future, to seek refuge from the wars happening in their countries. Do they not deserve to be happy and live a good life as well? You pride ourselves in humanity, yet you do the exact opposite, where is your spirit of ubuntu South Africa?

Let them love one another, support and uplift each other and stand together as one. Also, their blood is red, and his even hers! They may have their differences but is not supposed to be a good thing? This is what makes each individual unique. May they learn from each other, may their African culture dominate the world, may they inspire others to be like them.

May they know that South Africa is their home away from home and that they are always welcome. That our people are their people.  #NO TO XENOPHOBIA!  Will you stand with them against this fight? together they can win together through the spirit of Ubuntu!



The different races in the rainbow nation


THE NATION DREAMS OF A HAPPY HOME    They are different shades of colour and represent different meanings however they remain one S...